These are listed alphabetically by family name unless the painter was best known by a single name.
Fuji Shōzan 藤井松山 (1880-1967). Disciple of Fuji Shōrin 藤井松林 (1825-1894), and Suzuki Shōnen – 鈴木松年 (1848-1918).
Hagio Kyūko 萩尾九皐 (1862-1922). Disciple of Kōno Bairei.
Okamoto Tarō – 岡本 太郎 (1911-1996) – The Japanese Picasso. Official artist of Expo `70.
Otake Kokkan 尾竹国観 (1880~1945).
Yoda Chikkoku – 依田竹谷 (1790-1843). Disciple of Tani Bunchō.