These are listed alphabetically by family name unless the painter was best known by a single name.
See the same painter below. This piece was mounted with a special Kanō School silk mounting textile that includes the uchide-no-kozuchi, the hōju, blades for cutting away problems, scrolls for enlightenment, variations on dharma wheels, etc.
2 x Hashimoto Gahō – 橋本 雅邦 (1835–1908) – One of the first five painters to be appointed as an Imperial Household artist, -and widely considered to be the founder of “Nihonga”.
Kosaka Shiden – 小坂芝田 (1872-1917) – Held in the MOMAT / NMoA etc.
Collaboration – “Gassaku – 合作”, by Okada Beisanjin – 岡田 米山人 (1744-1820), with son Hanko – 半江 (1782-1846) and friend and colleague Urakami Shunkin – 浦上春琴 (1779-1846), who is known as both 春琴 and 春栞. The cuckoo is a familiar motif in Japanese art, -as it reflects its appearance in many poems and folklore.
Sugawara Hakuryū – 菅原白龍 (1833-1898). Disciple of Kumasaka Tekisan (1796-1864).
Takaku Aigai – 高久靄崖 (1796-1843) – Disciple of Ike no Taiga.
Tanomura Chokunyu – 田能村 直入 (1814-1907). Disciple of Tanomura Chikuden.