These are listed alphabetically by family name unless the painter was best known by a single name.

Tachihara Kyōsho – 立原杏所 (1786-1840) – It is said that his art name “Kyōsho”, was taken from the apricot tree that grew in a garden near where he was born. He was a great painter of peonies and was influenced by Gessen’s landscape pieces (see my piece by Gessen in the 18th C. Landscape category).



The legendary Tani Bunchō (1763-1841).



Yamada Kanzan – 山田寒山 (1856-1918) – Legendary seal engraver, poet, calligrapher and painter.



Yamaji Fuyo – 山地芙蓉 (d. 1797) -also Boshodo 慕松堂, -also Hoinshi 峰隠 – 平和嘯何队秌日 – peaceful wind and a team on harvest day (or something similar?).
