These are listed alphabetically by family name unless the painter was best known by a single name.

Kanō Arinobu 狩野有信 (1606-?) – He is known to have been alive in 1669, but there is no official date of death. He was a discple of the legenday Kanō Tan’yu.



Is this also Arinobu signing in a more formal style? Signed “Fujiwara Arinobu hitsu” with Fujiwara seal with “kun – earth / north winter” hexagram. This hexagram indicates the possibility of this being painted for a prince. -Yet to be determined.




Ogata Kōrin – 尾形光琳 (1658–1716) – The most famous of the masters / heads of the Rinpa School.


Seal reads: “Masatoki”. 印鑑: 方祝.