Birds & Flowers – 花鳥画

These are listed alphabetically by family name unless the painter was best known by a single name.


Araki Kanpō – 荒木寛畝 (1831~1915) – Painted the portraits of the Emperor and Empress, exhibited in Paris, won multiple awards, was a professor at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, etc. – Father of Jippō and master of Watanabe Shinpō (see Shinpō below).

Shirai Chokken (b. 1804-1818 – ?) – 白井直賢 (生没年不詳). Disciple of Maruyama Ōkyo. One of the best restoration jobs I’ve ever seen. 見たことも無いくらい素晴らしい修復技術です。

Watanabe Shinpō – 渡辺晨畝 (1867-1938) – A winner of numerous awards, he was also a cultural ambassador to China. He is held in the MOMAT and other prestigious collections.

Yukawa Shodo – 湯川松堂 (1868-1955) is one of my favorite disciples of one of my favorite masters, the legendary Suzuki Shonen 鈴木松年 (1848-1918).

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